
The input file is parsed entirely at once character by character. Lines are counted when advanced to a line feed character. The current character is stored as a rune. If we have run out of characters, the current character is set to -1, and many loops are set to stop when this happens.

Tokens are typed tokenType which is a string type.

const Var tokenType = "@"

Helper functions


This moves the current character forward.

A sub-function for this function is advanceTimes(times int). This just runs this function as many times as you specify, say if you need to move forward 2 characters, for example.

tokenAhead(token tokenType) bool

This is meant to be used in an if/else or switch case statement. For example:

if tokenAhead(Var) {
    // ...

If the token Var is in the upcoming characters, this function will return true and advance past those characters plus one to account for spaces so that this function can be chained.

A helpful alias for this function is tokensAhead(v ...tokenType) bool. This allows for checking if one of the tokens given is ahead instead of doing tokenAhead(...) || tokenAhead(...) || ..., etc.

isChar(tokenChar rune)

This checks if the current character is the given token rune and if so returns true and advances one character. This is done so that it can be used as a conditional and automatically advance just like with tokenAhead().

lookAheadUntil(until rune)

This does not advance characters but pseudo-collects characters until it reaches the character specified or runs out of characters, and then returns the characters it collected. This can be used to see if a character or token exists ahead without moving there.

collectUntil(until rune)

This function will collect characters until it reaches the character specified or runs out of characters and then returns the characters it collected. Any spaces will be stripped from the value it collects.

collectValue(valueType *tokenType, value *any, until rune)

This takes pointers to a type and a value, and a character to collect until. This will collect the value ahead and return its type and value.

It uses these functions to collect the detected value. Actions, variables, and globals are collected on the spot by this function, however.

  • collectString()
  • collectInteger()
  • collectArray()
  • collectDictionary()

next(mov int) && prev(mov int)

These pseudo move forward or backward mov times and return the character at that position. Unlike tokenAhead(), you will need to manually move ahead, this is mainly to check if the next or previous character is something, then doing something with that knowledge.

getChar(atIndex int)

Returns the character at the specified index in the file’s entire characters.

Error handling

parserError(message string)

Prints message along with the current line and column number.

The line and column number will be used to print the line with the error and point to the column where we stopped parsing.

makeKeyList(title string, list map[string]string) string

This quickly creates a list based on a map[string]string useful for printing out a map of expected values.

Debugging functions


This will print out the current character but also print out the names of the common invisible characters like tab, space, and line feed (new line).