Defining Non-Standard Actions

Define a library

Libraries are defined in the makeLibraries() function in action.go.

Your library name must be lowercase or camelCase.

// func makeLibraries() {
libraries["app"] = libraryDefinition{
	identifier: "",
	make: func(identifier string) {
// ...

Create a file called actions_APP.go, replace APP with a unique name for the app, etc. that you are adding actions for.

Create a function in that file:

func appActions(identifier string) {
// ...

Again, replace app with the unique name you gave the file or a variant of it.

Add to an Existing Library

An existing library will have it’s own file and a library definition in makeLibraries() in action.go.

Go to the file for the library (e.g. actions_APP.go) and define actions in the same way as explained on this page, but use the appIdentifier field instead of the identifier field. Unlike standard actions, you must specify a appIdentifier field even if it matches the key.

Use the identifier provided to the make actions function.

actions["doThing"] = actionDefinition{
     appIdentifier: identifier + "dothing",
     // ...

Libraries are made available using the #import {library name} syntax.

When contributing actions, if an action has a complex number of arguments, try your best to split the action into multiple actions to reduce the number of arguments and complexity.